Chu Chu Rocket
"Chu Chu Rocket" is an arcade puzzler for the Atari STFM, STe, TT and Falcon030.
Your mission : guide the hordes of mice into your rocket whilst avoiding the marauding cats.
A simple concept, yet fiendishly addictive.
"Chu Chu Rocket" includes a variety of different gameplay modes which allow you to play
the game as a progressive puzzler or have manic multiplayer fun with four players on screen
at once.
"Chu Chu Rocket" is an arcade perfect conversion of the critically acclaimed DreamCast game.
It includes all the levels, worlds, gameplay modes and sound effects that graced the 128-bit original.
There are even some bonus features, exclusive to the Atari version.
Features :
Stereo Sampled Sound - every single sound effect from the DreamCast original has been
sampled and recreated in stunning stereo, including all the sampled speech (not STFM).
Exclusive Sid Music - musician MSG has composed 13 unique Sid-Sound tunes for this title
Cunning AI - if you haven't got three friends you can still play the multiplayer games
against some rather fiendish bots.
Multiple Gameplay Modes - play solo puzzle modes, co-operative stage challenge games,
multiplayer battle games or team based battle games.
150 Levels - so much variety with 25 battle levels, 25 stage challenge levels and 100
puzzle levels set across four different worlds.
Secrets & Bonuses - completing sections of the game will unlock secret features. We're
not saying what they are; play it and find out!
This is what the media said about the DreamCast version:
"Almost too good to be true" IGN.COM 9/10
"Among the greatest multiplayer games ever" Gaming Intelligence Agency
"Fun and unique" 3.5/4
"Fantastic" GameCritics.COM 10/10
"Chu Chu Rocket" comes in two unique flavours.
There is the full version which is designed for Atari Falcon030, Atari TT, Atari STe with 2MB memory or more.
The lite version is a slightly cut-down release designed for Atari STFM, STE, TT & Falcons with only 1MB memory,
in this version you get no sound effects.
Please make your selection:
Chu Chu Rocket Full (741K)[ Atari STE/TT/Falcon (2MB) ]
Chu Chu Rocket Lite (286K)[ Atari STFM/STE/TT/Falcon (1MB) ]
Chu Chu Rocket has been voted "Game Of The Year" by readers of MyAtari magazine.
